
Since we are paying for this wedding ourselves, we are on a pretty tight budget. We had started saving up as soon as we knew we were going to do this renewal, but moving put a damper on things. Everything we'd saved up went towards bills and food during the four months we were unemployed. We're trying to figure out the cheapest way to still have the wedding of our (or at least my) dreams.

Right now the budget is around $10,000. How we're going to get that much money, I'm not quite sure, but that's what I'm anticipating the wedding costing. Realistically, we can only spend what we can save up between now and the wedding. I plan on keeping tabs on everything I spend and how much things cost, especially my DIY projects. The only thing I haven't recorded as far as costs are my magazines, but I could figure that out easily.

This is the breakdown of what I'm anticipating paying for a wedding of 100 people (what our guest list sits at right now):
Food: $1,500 (This is 100% just what I would prefer to spend. I have not found any quotes close to this, but this is my goal.)
Beverage: $250 (I want a cash bar, but I want to be able to give each guest a couple of drinks on us too.)
Ceremony venue (This quote is for Fort Zachary Taylor): $1,215-1,715 total
-Site reservation fee: $430
-Damages fee (in case something happens): $500
-Entrance fees for about 115 people (guests plus vendors): $172.50
-Chairs for 105 people: $612.50
Stationery: $400 (Another DIY project. This is my estimated cost for EVERYTHING paper. I will probably have some leftover supplies for other things and whatnot too.)
Photographer: $1,000 (This is the one thing I really don't want to skimp on, but finding someone for even this price seems difficult.)
DJ: $300 (I am 100% okay with an iPod instead of a DJ, but if I can find one for this price or better, I wouldn't complain.)
Flowers: $60 (I'm planning on DIYing these. Sam's Club sells flowers for really cheap from what I've found.)
Cake: $250 (I may end up making this myself, so it may be cheaper than this. This also includes the possibility of a candy bar.)
BM+mini attendant gifts: $500 (For four bridesmaids, two flower girls, and a ring bearer. Most of this is DIY.)
GM gifts+officiant gift: $600 (For four groomsmen and one officiant. He hasn't thought about what he wants to do yet, but I figure it will come out to about the same I'm doing for my ladies.)
Favors: $400 (I am planning on DIYing these too, so they may come out cheaper)
FG buckets: $10 (DIY project)
Dress: $800 (The dress I like is only $400, but in case prices go up before I can buy a dress or in case I need alterations, etc.)
Suit: $300 (I have no clue how much suits cost to rent or buy. He hasn't decided what he wants to do about his suit, but I'm hoping this is about the cost or less.)
Decorations: $200 (More DIY. As of right now, it seems this is way more than I will end up spending, but it depends on our reception venue how much needs to be done.)
Reception Venue: $1,000 (We haven't picked/found a place yet, so I have no clue how much it will cost, but this is the max I want to spend.)


Honeymoon: $934 (We won a couple of vacations through a bridal show. This just includes taxes for the trip and the airfare. We may not do this right after the wedding though.)

TOTAL WITH HONEYMOON: $9,719-$10,219