Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update, take 2

So I'm back to finish my previous update. Whoo!

So since I last updated, I spoke with the photographer that we won a prize from at the show. They are RIDICULOUSLY expensive. I'm not sure if we are still "eligible" for the "prizes" since we are not booking them though because this was the list of options they sent me:

FREE $500 Gift of Choice
The Gifts of Choice are:
$500 FREE Engagement Session (Must be done 6-8 months prior to ceremony. Subject to availability.)
FREE $500 Medium Magazine Style Album
FREE $500 16x20 Print or Sofa/Mantel Print
FREE $500 2 Small Magazine Style Parent Albums
FREE $500 Shopping Spree of Reprints
FREE $500 towards our Digital Photo Booth *As seen in Platinum Weddings* (FREE with qualifying package.  Must be chosen prior to ceremony. Subject to availability)
These options, with the exception of perhaps the first one, all require us to buy something from them first. Crummy "prizes" if you ask me. But whatever. I've been to lazy to email them back to ask the details on whether or not the first one is still an option. I was just really disappointed with them when they said they were "affordable" and ended up being $3000+. Eh, whatever.
I did get a call from another photographer though which I spoke to on Wednesday. He is quite affordable when looking at his packages, but he has yet to get back to me with his estimates for travel fees to Key West. 
I still really, really like Clearly in Focus that I originally met at the first bridal show. They are so great. And they don't have travel fees. They are just barely above my budget, but it may come down to being them in the end.
In other news, I finally went out and bought the latest copy of "The Knot." It was another fashion edition. I'm not really into the fashion editions anymore. I know, I've only seen one before this one, but still. I think I already know what I'm going with as far as my dress, so that stuff no longer really interests me. Still there was a decent amount of useful information in this edition. 
I also finally got around to reading my latest Florida edition. They had these WONDERFUL ideas for personalization. One thing I loved were cookies in the form of their family crest. We have been wanting to make a family crest (and signet rings!) for me, the hubby, and the roommate ever since we deemed ourselves a "Clan." This would be an awesome plug for our unique family dynamic.
Oh! Speaking of unique and family... I almost forgot! At Christmas this year, a new member of the family was introduced at the in-laws'. Nilpferd, the hippopotamus. He is a traveling trophy. Each year at Christmas he will be passed on to a new family member. That family member (this year it's my youngest brother-in-law) will carry him along on trips and fill a photo album of Nilpferd at various locations of significance. Next year, that means he will be at the wedding of course. We have talked about him having a special spot in the ceremony and reception for prime photo ops. Steven, the officiant, is even cool with Nilpferd sitting on his shoulder during the ceremony. In any case, I am quite excited about this traveling trophy. I can't wait until it falls into our hands!
And, just because I find this hilarious, I will share a bit of news I uncovered in the last couple of days. Apparently, Andrew and I are related (other than by marriage). I have been working pretty diligently on his mother's side of his family tree taking a slight break on my own side. I have now found a common ancestor: Pocahontas. While she is my (insert several greats) grandmother, she is only a distant cousin to him. So we're inCREDibly distant cousins. I'm cool with this only because it's so far back AND because it's Pocahontas that joins us. :-P
As another update, I was perusing the DIY bride book at Barnes and Noble. (I'm sure I will probably buy it someday, but for the time being, I love opening it to random pages and seeing what I find.) They had instructions for a DIY canopy/huppah thing. It estimated the cost to be about $75 for DIYing it. This makes it seem incredibly do-able. Currently my budget for decorations is $200. I am not sure how much the few decorations I have in mind will actually cost, but I'm hoping this canopy fits in somehow.
Speaking of budget, I don't think I've officially shared my estimate breakdown of what I'm expecting to spend.

Food 1500
Beverage 250
Ceremony venue 1500
Stationery 400
Photographer 1000
DJ 300
Flowers 60
Cake 250
BM bags 500
Groomsmen+officiant 600
favors 400
flower girl buckets 10
dress 800
suit 300
decorations 200
reception venue 1000
HM 934

This makes the total $10,004 for a little less (probably a lot less depending on who can come) than 100 people now. Currently, unless I or Andrew are able to pick up more hours and/or get raises, I estimate we will only be able to save about $6,000-$7,000. This includes us completely paying off a couple of debts we've accrued and beginning paying back our ridiculous student loans. I am hoping, however, that we will get closer to my estimate, obviously. Certain numbers would definitely go down if people are unable to come, which I am anticipating though hoping against. It's a quite conflicting feeling I have about the guest list. In any case, I will keep updating on the budget, especially as things start to become more finalized.
Alright, I think that's about it for now. I'm sure I probably forgot a few things I wanted to mention, but I have time to come back and add them later. :-P Until next time!

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