Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Updates on all things wedding

Sorry for the posting delay. We moved and didn't have internet for a while. But I'm back, and I have a few updates.

We finally did the Sears photo shoot. We wore black tops and khaki pants. It was actually quite awkward. The girl asked us what color background we wanted. I said white since we were in black. We took a bunch of photos. They were so awkward though. And then she changed the background... to black. Unfortunately for us, since we only won one photo in the two sizes, we had a couple of nice shots, but we could only choose one. The best pose was the one on the black background. It was quite hard choosing between some "okay" photos on a nice background and a really nice photo on a crummy background. We chose the black background photo. We look like floating heads, but the shot is really sweet. And the large photo is HUGE! It shocked Andrew to see the size of the box it came in. Anyway, I will try to post the photo soon.

In other news, I went to another bridal show Sunday. It was run by the Perfect Wedding Guide, like the first show I attended in August. A girl from work went with me too, so it was so fun. It was slightly smaller than that first one. There were no photo booths or particularly interesting vendors. There were a lot of really good photographers though. I did not win any of the door prizes or the grand prize drawing, but I have already received a phone call from one of the photographers saying we won their secondary drawing. They drew six names and we won our choice of six prizes, each is valued at $500. I will go into detail about the choices later. I just realized the time, so I have to go to work. Until then!

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