Sunday, November 28, 2010

And we're back to the photo shoot thing

So after canceling our photo session at Sears, I've been constantly asking Andrew when he wants to reschedule. The coupon we have for the free session expires December 4th, which is quickly approaching. Andrew decided he wanted to get a haircut before the shoot, which he has now done (and is actually quite funny because he parted his hair on the opposite side, and neither of us have gotten used to it yet.). Now that we all know our schedules for the week, we were able to decide a day and time to reschedule.

Our roommate starts teaching this week, so dropping us off for work will be quite a challenge from now on. This pretty much means, he will have to drop us off around 6-6:30am so he can be back to teach around 7am. Tomorrow, Andrew is off and I work at 4pm. Since I will still need to be dropped off around 6am to ensure I am there by 4, we decided that Andrew will tag along and we will walk up the street to the mall to take the photos. We decided on having our pictures done at 10am, then we'll have the rest of the day to chill and hang out at the mall until I have work.

As for what to wear... My work attire tomorrow (and pretty much from now on) is Starbucks attire-- black shirt and khaki pants. I told Andrew I didn't have to wear my work clothes for the pictures since I could easily throw my work shirt in my purse, but he actually kind of liked the idea of wearing black, so he wants to dress to match. I am so excited to have all of this planned, and I can't wait to do it tomorrow! I just don't know what to do with my hair. I can't really style it. It will be dry by the time we have our session. I hope it doesn't poof out. Oh well. I will try to post tomorrow or Tuesday about how everything went.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

So quickly plans change

Andrew has decided he wants to get a haircut before we get the photo done. So I will have to call tomorrow to cancel the appointment we have and hope next week or the week after we have the time to get it done despite it being a holiday and that I will start working.  I appreciate that he wants the picture to look good, but at the same time, I worry the expiration date will come and pass if we wait. In any case, I will keep you informed on when we reschedule.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Update on the engagement shoot

So, I still haven't started work. At this point, it seems like Wednesday would be the soonest I can start. We have decided to seize this guarantee in my schedule to go ahead with the engagement shoot. We have it scheduled for Sunday at 2:30pm. Our roommate works at 11am, so he will just drop us off at the mall and we'll hang out until our appointment. Then we'll hang out some more until our roommate gets off work to pick us up or walk up the street to where he works and wait for him there. In any case, it's set.

I'm kind of excited about it. I'm still not quite sure what we're going to wear, but we have tonight and tomorrow to figure it out. Hopefully, after the shoot, I will figure out a way to post the photo on here. Until then!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trimming the fat

So, after a talk with Andrew last night, I started thinking seriously about our guest list. We talked about even just cutting it down to family and 20 or fewer friends. But, while that hasn't been completely decided, I did find several people who didn't really belong on a wedding guest list.

At least on my end, I had a lot of people on there that I realized I was only inviting so other guests would have someone they knew there or so fraternity pictures looked more full. I realized, that's not really necessary. If they want to attend my wedding, they will find other people, new people, to talk to and meet at the wedding. And I don't need the entire fraternity there to have my fraternity photos. Plus, some of the extra people I had on the list are the very people that would have made a nice party turn quite ugly very quickly. So now the guest list sits at around 100 instead of around 150. (I know, quite a cut!)

As for an update on previous posts, Andrew is working very hard trying to come up with a photobooth program like the one I found online. He's making progress, it's just going rather slow. We have time though, so I'm not too worried. And we still haven't scheduled a day to get our engagement shot done. I was supposed to maybe start work today, but the drug testing company is still being lazy when it comes to processing my results. Maybe I'll be able to start by the end of the week though. Then we can look at my schedule and figure something out. I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Engagement" Shot

So we got a free "engagement" shoot at Sears. As far as I understand it, we pick one shot that we like from the sitting and we get a couple of prints of it. We have until December 4th to do it, so we're looking at Andrew and our roommate's work schedules to figure out a good day to get it done. (Since our car is broken down, our roommate has had to chauffeur us around everywhere.)

Despite the fact that it's inside and we only get one shot, we're kind of excited about it. We have really only had photos taken of us twice before. We have the shots from our "marriage" and then a couple from a shoot we did with his family. (Those shots are still with his parents since we moved before they were ready.) All of the other shots I have of us were taken by me using my own camera. In any case, we could use another good couple shot, even if it is on a set.

Most of our clothes, especially our nicer clothes, are still in storage, so I'm not quite sure what we're going to wear. We'll come up with something though. I'll try to get the photo on here as soon as I can, but it probably won't be possible until we get our own apartment and get our scanner out of storage. Hopefully that won't be too much longer.

Monday, November 8, 2010

And the DIY photobooth attempts begin

I went to a Perfect Wedding Guide bridal show a couple of months ago and they had two photobooths there. I LOVED the idea of the photobooths, and I especially loved the idea of it printing two copies (one for the guests to keep and one for a scrapbook). I don't, like most brides, love the price of these contraptions. $1000+ for a tiny box with a webcam seems crazy, even if it does come with an attendant.

I've been trying to come up with a way to at least do the photo scrapbook for a while. Well today, while looking around for some DIY photobooth ideas, I came across this, and oh my goodness! I have decided to play around with automator for the next couple of days and see if I can come up with something on my own. If not, I may find myself donating to get a copy of his script. This is a fantastic idea, but I feel like it could be made into so much more! This is my goal. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My wedding day vision

I was never the girl that thought about her wedding as a child. I didn't plan out every detail at the age of 12. I always knew I would get married some day, but it wasn't something I was worried about planning until it happened. (Which is kind of funny to think about now since I'm such a planner.) Still, when we decided to get married and agreed to have the ceremony of my dreams on our anniversary, I already knew a good number of the "big" things.

I knew I wanted a barefoot beach wedding at sunset. I knew I wanted daisies for the flower. I knew the kind of music I wanted played. I even knew who I wanted for my bridesmaids, flower girls, and ring bearer. As for everything else, I was starting from scratch.

I didn't start planning anything until we actually got married (sounds kind of backwards, I know). After we said our "I do"s (or "Oh yeah"s in the case of my husband) under the waterfall, we went out to dinner. We made the bad decision of trying a new place called "Shiners." (The name should have been our first clue, but it came highly recommended.) It was absolutely wretched. We skipped dessert and went to the grocery store to buy our own version of a "wedding cake." While at the store, I picked up my first bridal magazine, "The Knot," and all the planning began then. Now, four magazines, countless websites, and two bridal shows later, I think I have an idea of what I want. (The problem now is making all of my visions come true, especially with such a restricted budget!)

Since this will technically be a vow renewal, we want the wedding to be rather laid back. Andrew doesn't even plan on wearing a tux or tie. He wants a light colored linen suit. I want a rather light dress without a train. I don't want a veil. I want my hair mostly down while still being out of my face. And, as I said before, I want everyone, guests included, barefoot.

My ideal location right now is Key West (though I'm willing to have it anywhere on the western side of Florida that is close to an airport). That means Fort Zachary Taylor (, which takes up the majority of the western side of the island, is the best place to have the ceremony so the sun sets over the water. I also want the bamboo "alter" (if that's what it is called). I may decorate it with some white lights and maybe some fabric. I also want to incorporate the sand ceremony into the wedding.

Even though we don't really need an officiant, our roommate (who got ordained to marry us the first time) will be officiating. He did an awesome job the first time around, especially considering we were only "engaged" for a total of 13 days and it was his first time officiating. I'm excited to hear his ideas on what he wants to add the second time around.

We would love a brass quintet to play for the wedding. Our first pick is the quintet made up of our old professors from college ( The only problem is, since four of the five of them are teachers, unless our wedding falls during spring break, the likelihood that they will be able to do it is quite slim. If they can't, we may have to settle on a local quintet, but I worry no one will compare to the other.

In looking at wedding magazines and seeing what I like, I really want my bridesmaids all in the same dress, but if it comes down to it, I am flexible with changing it. I want their dresses to be short and chocolate brown. I want the flower girls (we will have two) in red. The ring bearer, who is the sister of our two flower girls, I have not yet decided. She may wear the same dress as the flower girls with a different colored sash or something, but we'll see.

I want the reception location nearby. I am already worrying enough about how my guests will get to the ceremony venue from the airport if they fly, I don't need to worry about how they will get to the reception. My one worry is that everyone will have to rent rent-a-cars and be very unhappy with me. I have thought of having a shuttle run from the airport to the park, but I have not even begun to think about how much this may cost. I know our families will end up driving, especially mine. But I hope the travel aspect will not be the one thing to keep our friends from making the trek.

I am 100% okay with an iPod for a DJ, but if I find a DJ that I love and comes reasonably priced, I am open to the idea. I just don't want a band.

If the reception site is willing to do a cash bar, that'd be perfect. This seems to be one of the hardest things to find. Most places only do open bars. I am not comfortable with this for many reasons. My idea is to have a cash bar and then give everyone a couple of free drinks on us. Then, if the guests decide they want more, they can buy them own their own. I know a lot of people don't like cash bars, but this is the idea I like the best.

I haven't decided on what to do for food yet. I would love plated dinners. I find them more enjoyable than buffet style. But cost-wise, we just don't have the money to pay $80-$200 a plate, even if we cut the guest list down to 40 people. I have toyed with the idea of just a "cocktail reception" and a dessert bar, but if I can find an affordable dinner, that would definitely be better.

I do want a relatively short reception though. I'm not much of a "partier." A two and a half to three hour reception seems long enough to me. Oh, and I love the idea of a photobooth at the wedding. Whether we make our own version or we rent one, has yet to be decided. We'll check the budget later, but this seems like a must-have at this point.

As for the cake... neither of us are big cake people. We both prefer pie. We have seen many photos of "wedding pies," but I am unsure if that is something I really want. I like the idea of a small cake (or pie) for Andrew and I and then cupcakes for the guests. I love the idea of a dessert bar for sure, even if it just means I make a few different desserts and place them near the cupcakes. The only must-have dessert so far is chocolate-covered strawberries (my favorite!). I also LOVE the idea of a candy buffet. I'm currently trying to work out an estimate for this based on the candies I like. It seems do-able so far.

As for the day of the wedding before sunset, we are still planning on going with tradition and not seeing each other (even though we didn't do that when we got married). I plan on spending the day with my ladies. We may even take the time with the sun to do all of the "all-girl" and "all-boy" photos (at different times of course). That way, after the wedding, we can just do the photos with everyone and the couple shots with the sunset as a backdrop without worrying about losing all the light. We may change this depending on the photographer's opinions. We may want to do the photos with everyone before the wedding too. Who knows!

But anywho... I think that covers most of it. I'm sure many more ideas will be added to this list, and I'm sure many of these ideas will be modified later on. Until then, this is what I want.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Well I did it...

I finally created a planning bio. I've been accumulating so many photos and ideas from so many places, it was finally necessary. As for an introduction, I eloped in March of 2010. My husband and I had the cutest little "marriage" as we're calling it. It took place under a waterfall in the mountains of North Carolina. My only request when we decided to elope was that we have my dream wedding on our anniversary within a year or two of getting married. We decided two years just to give us the time to gather the money and resources.

Things were going well in the planning process until we decided to move. Unfortunately, we were both unemployed for three months after moving, and it forced us broke. But we've finally secured jobs (it's just a matter of starting them now!). So now, here we are, a little over seven months after becoming husband and wife, and we're diving in head first to plan a sunset beach wedding off the coast of Florida. We have a pretty tight budget, but hopefully we will still be able to provide our guests with an amazing experience. This blog will follow my inspiration and ideas and will hopefully follow the endless DIY projects I plan to take on.

Here is a photo from our waterfall wedding: