Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trimming the fat

So, after a talk with Andrew last night, I started thinking seriously about our guest list. We talked about even just cutting it down to family and 20 or fewer friends. But, while that hasn't been completely decided, I did find several people who didn't really belong on a wedding guest list.

At least on my end, I had a lot of people on there that I realized I was only inviting so other guests would have someone they knew there or so fraternity pictures looked more full. I realized, that's not really necessary. If they want to attend my wedding, they will find other people, new people, to talk to and meet at the wedding. And I don't need the entire fraternity there to have my fraternity photos. Plus, some of the extra people I had on the list are the very people that would have made a nice party turn quite ugly very quickly. So now the guest list sits at around 100 instead of around 150. (I know, quite a cut!)

As for an update on previous posts, Andrew is working very hard trying to come up with a photobooth program like the one I found online. He's making progress, it's just going rather slow. We have time though, so I'm not too worried. And we still haven't scheduled a day to get our engagement shot done. I was supposed to maybe start work today, but the drug testing company is still being lazy when it comes to processing my results. Maybe I'll be able to start by the end of the week though. Then we can look at my schedule and figure something out. I'll keep you posted!

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